Thursday, 2 June 2011

The Apprentice - Episode 5 - 1st June 2011

­­­­­­Total Biz World's brand new writer Felicity Dudley welcomes you to her weekly review of The Apprentice.
The trend for most weeks is the absence of his “Lordship” when dishing out the weeks task. A pre-recorded skit played back on a television does the job a lot better than the wannabes needing to listen to Alan’s excruciating one-liners in the boardroom- Somewhere on an editing suite floor in East London is a caretakers closet of Sir Alan’s not-so-funny blooper reels.
This week’s task was an advertising campaign for the pet food market. I do love that every single week there is always a team member who can blag their way through their shortcomings on a task by claiming their experience is not in the exact area they are taking on this week. Sir Alan should sort himself out and only allow the wannabes to be from a specific job background so the same old excuses aren’t pedalled out every week.
Team Glenn and his minions for the task this week- Leon, Edna, Susan, Zoe and Natasha
Glenn captained one team and of course Glenn had all the ideas. Even when Glenn was told that cat owners like a certain product Glenn still felt he was right…Glenn Glenn Glenn. Glenn of course is very watchable, getting rid of him would be a sin against reality entertainment. In the end Glenn’s equal and open-minded approach (feel the sarcasm) to teamwork paid off and his team were secure for another week.
Catsize (Team Glenn’s product) was a bit of a weak idea with a bland marketing campaign, but as it hit the right market they were in the safe zone. The team was certainly more disagreeable but you can’t argue with an idea that’s slightly less awful than the other one, can you? And in case you were wondering, former tennis start Pat Cash is low on work and is free to entertain at weddings, bar mitzvahs, birthday’s and as a “reward” for the winning Apprentice team.
Vincent the lollipop man captained the other team with his fish pout in full force and clothes that appear to be painted on daily, his team for the week were Melody, Natasha, Ellie, Jim and Tom.
Team Vincent was a stable lot, and seemed (quite boringly) to be in agreement with each other’s ideas- until it gets to the boardroom then everyone was useless in every way they possibly could be as dictated by their “team mates”. The idea of EveryDog had good intentions, but people are so precious about these creatures that even in some countries still aren’t domesticated. Jim had the ideas, the most confidence and is able to control the volume of his voice when in conversation with Alan and the team.
During the Everydog pitch we realised Melody can talk for twenty minutes without breathing through her nose (a quality better suited to adult entertainment). Vincent will happily sell everybody out in a heartbeat and Natasha can master the smug look all too well for someone who should’ve left the first week.
Double firing this week as Ellie and Vincent left the boardroom to the awaiting taxi.
Biz Best Bits: 
Jim is our wannabe of the week due to his calm and collected manner, which I am sure will not be present in the upcoming weeks when things heat up
Team Glenn was destined to be a laugh riot and Glenn gets my quote of the week
“I’m not being funny but that was brilliant!”- its alright G I don’t think a compliment is preceded by the word “funny” unless it’s a backhanded compliment?- That Glenn hey!
I liked the Pug who auditioned for the Everydog advert but didn’t get the role- he was the most professional
Don’t forget to check-in next week

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